The essential songs of Śrīla Bhakti Vinod Ṭhākur.
Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj in The Elixir of Life: “At almost every meeting I was present in, Śrīla Guru Mahārāj [Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj] would order me to sing these songs.”
Śrī Śaraṇāgati Song 8
প্রভু হে !
এমন দুর্মতি সংসার ভিতরে
পড়িয়া আছিনু আমি ।
তব নিজ‑জন কোন মহাজনে
পাঠাইয়া দিলে তুমি ॥১॥
(prabhu he!)
emana durmati saṁsāra bhitare
paḍiyā āchhinu āmi
tava nija-jana kona mahājane
pāṭhāiyā dile tumi [1]
he–O prabhu–Lord! [I am] emana–so durmati–wicked-minded, [and] āmi–I paḍiyā āchhinu–have fallen bhitare–into saṁsāra–the material world, [but] tumi–You pāṭhāiyā dile–have sent kona–some mahājane–great soul, [one of] tava–Your nija-jana–associates (to rescue me). [1]
O Lord! I am so wicked-minded, and I have fallen into the material world, but You have sent a great soul, Your associate (to rescue me).
দয়া করি’ মোরে পতিত দেখিয়া
কহিল আমারে গিয়া ।
ওহে দীনজন শুন ভাল কথা
উল্লসিত হবে হিয়া ॥২॥
dayā kari’ more patita dekhiyā
kahila āmāre giyā
ohe dīna-jana śuna bhāla kathā
ullasita habe hiyā [2]
dayā kari’–Being merciful more–to me [upon] dekhiyā–seeing [me so] patita–fallen, giyā–he came āmāre–to me [and] kahila–said, ohe–“O dīna-jana–humble soul, śuna–listen [to this] bhāla–wonderful kathā–message, [and your] hiyā–heart habe–will be ullasita–delighted. [2]
Being merciful upon seeing me so fallen, he came to me and said, “O humble soul, listen to this wonderful message, and your heart will rejoice.
তোমারে তারিতে শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য
নবদ্বীপে অবতার ।
তোমা হেন কত দীন‑হীন জনে
করিলেন ভব‑পার ॥৩॥
tomāre tārite śrī-kṛṣṇa-chaitanya
navadvīpe avatāra
tomā hena kata dīna-hīna jane
karilena bhava-pāra [3]
śrī-kṛṣṇa-chaitanya–Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya [has] avatāra–appeared navadvīpe–in Nabadwīp tārite–to deliver tomāre–you. pāra karilena–He has rescued kata–many dīna-hīna–poor and humble jane–souls [just] hena–like tomā–you bhava–from the ocean of material exitence. [3]
“Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya has appeared in Nabadwīp to deliver you. He has rescued many poor and humble souls just like you from the ocean of material existence.
বেদের প্রতিজ্ঞা রাখিবার তরে
রুক্ম‑বর্ণ বিপ্র‑সুত ।
মহাপ্রভু নামে নদীয়া মাতায়
সঙ্গে ভাই অবধূত ॥৪॥
vedera pratijñā rākhibāra tare
rukma-varṇa vipra-suta
mahāprabhu nāme nadīyā mātāya
saṅge bhāi avadhūta [4]
tare–For the sake rākhibāra–of fulfilling vedera–the Vedas’ pratijñā–prophecies, [He has appeared with] rukma–a golden varṇa–complexion [as] suta–the son vipra–of a brāhamṇ nāme–with the name mahāprabhu–‘Mahāprabhu’ [and driven] nadīyā–Nadai mātāya–mad saṅge–in the company [of Hisl bhāi–brother avadhūta–Nityānanda. [4]
“To fulfil the prophecies in the Vedas, He has appeared with a golden complexion as a brāhmaṇ’s son with the name ‘Mahāprabhu’ and driven Nadia mad in the company of His brother the Avadhūt.
নন্দসুত যিনি চৈতন্য় গোসাঞী
নিজ নাম করি’ দান ।
তারিল জগত্ তুমিও যাইয়া
লহ নিজ পরিত্রাণ ॥৫॥
nanda-suta yini chaitanya gosāñī
nija nāma kari’ dāna
tārila jagat tumio yāiyā
laha nija paritrāṇa [5]
gosāñī–Lord chaitanya–Chaitanya, yini–who [is] suta–the son nanda–of Nanda, dāna kari’–has distributed [His] nija–own nāma–Name [and] tārila–delivered jagat–the world. tumi‑o–You too yāiyā–should go [and] laha–accept [your] nija–own paritrāṇa–deliverance. [5]
“Lord Chaitanya, who is the son of Nanda Himself, has distributed His own Name and delivered the world. You too should go and accept your deliverance.”
সে কথা শুনিয়া আসিয়াছি, নাথ !
তোমার চরণ-তলে ।
ভকতি-বিনোদ কা̐দিয়া কা̐দিয়া
আপন‑কাহিনী বলে ॥৬॥
se kathā śuniyā āsiyāchhi, nātha!
tomāra charaṇa-tale
bhakati-vinoda kā̐diyā kā̐diyā
āpana-kāhinī bale [6]
nātha!–O Lord, śuniyā–hearing se–this kathā–message, bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod āsiyāchhi–has come tale–to the soles [of] tomāra–Your charaṇa–feet. kā̐diyā–Weeping [and] kā̐diyā–weeping, bale–he tells [his] āpana–own kāhinī–story. [6]
O Lord, hearing this message, Bhakti Vinod has come to the soles of Your feet. Weeping and weeping, he tells his story.
Śrī Śaraṇāgati Song 17
কি জানি কি বলে তোমার ধামেতে
হইনু শরণাগত ।
তুমি দয়াময় পতিতপাবন
পতিত‑তারণে রত ॥১॥
ki jāni ki bale tomāra dhāmete
ha-inu śaraṇāgata
tumi dayāmaya patita-pāvana
patita-tāraṇe rata [1]
[O Lord,] ki jāni–I do not know [by] ki–what bale–force ha-inu–I have become śaraṇāgata–a surrendered soul [in] tomāra–Your dhāmete–abode. tumi–You [are] dayāmaya–meriful; [You are] pāvana–the saviour patita–of the fallen, [and You are] rata–engaged tāraṇe–in delivering patita–the fallen. [1]
O Lord, I do not know how I have become a soul surrendered in Your abode. You are merciful; You are the saviour of the fallen, and You are always engaged in delivering them.
ভরসা আমার এই মাত্র নাথ !
তুমি ত’ করুণাময় ।
তব দয়াপাত্র নাহি মোর সম
অবশ্য় ঘুচাবে ভয় ॥২॥
bharasā āmāra ei mātra nātha!
tumi ta’ karuṇā-maya
tava dayā-pātra nāhi mora sama
avaśya ghuchābe bhaya [2]
nātha!–O Lord! ei–This mātra–alone [is] āmāra–my bharasā–hope: tumi–You [are] ta’–certainly karuṇā-maya–compassionate. nāhi–There is no pātra–candidate [for] tava–Your dayā–mercy sama–equal mora–to me. avaśya–Certainly, ghuchāre–You will subdue [all my] bhaya–fear. [2]
My only hope, O Lord, is that You are compassionate! There is no one so in need of Your mercy as I. You must subdue my fear.
আমারে তারিতে কাহার শকতি
অবনী ভিতরে নাহি ।
দয়াল ঠাকুর ! ঘোষণা তোমার
অধম পামরে ত্রাহি ॥৩॥
āmāre tārite kāhāra śakati
avanī-bhitare nāhi
dayāla ṭhākura! ghoṣaṇā tomāra
adhama pāmare trāhi [3]
nāhi–There is no one bhitare–on avanī–the earth kāhāra–who has śakati–the power tārite–to deliver āmāre–me. [O] dayāla–merciful ṭhākura!–Lord! tomāra–Your ghoṣaṇā–declaration [is that] trāhi–You deliver adhama–the lowly [and] pāmare–sinful. [3]
No one in this world who has the power to deliver me, but You, O merciful Lord, have declared that You deliver the lowly and sinful.
সকল ছাড়িয়া আসিয়াছি আমি
তোমার চরণে নাথ ! ।
আমি নিত্যদাস তুমি পালয়িতা
তুমি গোপ্তা জগন্নাথ ! ॥৪॥
sakala chhāḍiyā āsiyāchhi āmi
tomāra charaṇe nātha!
āmi nitya-dāsa tumi pālayitā
tumi goptā jagannātha! [4]
chhāḍiyā–Leaving sakala–everything, āmi–I āsiyāchhi–have come [to] tomāra–Your charaṇe–feet, nātha!–O Lord! āmi–I [am Your] nitya–eternal dāsa–servant, [and] tumi–You [are my] pālayitā–maintainer. tumi–You [are my] goptā–guardian, jagannātha!–O Lord of the universe! [4]
Leaving everything, I have come to Your feet, O Lord! I am Your eternal servant, and You are my maintainer. You are my guardian, O Lord of the universe!
তোমার সকল আমি মাত্র দাস
আমারে তারিবে তুমি ।
তোমার চরণ করিনু বরণ
আমার নাহি ত আমি ॥৫॥
tomāra sakala āmi mātra dāsa
āmāre tāribe tumi
tomāra charaṇa karinu varaṇa
āmāra nahi ta āmi [5]
sakala–Everyting [is] tomāra–Yours. āmi–I [am] mātra–only [Your] dāsa–servant. tumi–You tāribe–must deliver āmāre–me. varaṇa karinu–I have embraced tomāra–Your charaṇa–feet, [and] āmi–I ta–certainly nahi–am not āmāra–my own. [5]
Everything is Yours. I am only Your servant. You must deliver me. I have embraced Your feet, and I no longer belong to myself.
ভকতিবিনোদ কাঁদিয়া শরণ
লয়েছে তোমার পায় ।
ক্ষমি’ অপরাধ নামে রুচি দিয়া
পালন করহে তায় ॥৬॥
bhakati-vinoda kā̐diya śaraṇa
layechhe tomāra pāya
kṣami’ aparādha nāme ruchi diyā
pālana karahe tāya [6]
kā̐diya–Weeping, bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod layechhe–has taken śaraṇa–shelter [at] tomāra–Your pāya–feet. kṣami’–By forgiving [his] aparādha–offences [and] diyā–giving [him] ruchi–taste nāme–for [Your] Name, [please mercifully] pālana karahe–maintain tāya–him. [6]
Weeping, Bhakti Vinod has taken shelter at Your feet. By forgiving his offences and giving him taste for Your Name, please mercifully maintain him.