Tag Archives | Krishna


Bound By Devotion

The play of the Sweet Absolute as described in Śrī Śrī Dāmodarāṣṭakam.


The Gift of Our Guru-Varga

Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj explains the highest development of śaraṇāgati.


His Vigilant Eye

Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj explains how one is purified by meditation on the Lord’s guardianship.


One-Pointed Aim

Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj describes spiritual purity as well as the focus one should have in practising Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj discusses the Lord's compassion for the lost souls of this world.

Lost Servants

Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj discusses the Lord’s compassion for the lost souls of this world.

Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj on the disappearance of Śrīla A.C. Bhaktivedānta Swāmī Prabhupād.

The Rising and Setting Sun

Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj on the disappearance of Śrīla A.C. Bhaktivedānta Swāmī Prabhupād.