
Godruma Dham

Continuing our present­a­tion of the upcom­ing release Sharanagati, in this song Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur describes the life of a surrendered soul in Godrumadwip.


Song Thirty-One

godruma-dhāme bhajana-anukūle
māthura śrī-nandīśvara-sama-tule
ta̐hi māha surabhi-kuñja-kuṭīre
vaiṭhabu̐ hāma surataṭinī-tīre
gaura-bhakata-priya veśa dadhānā

godruma (abhinna nanda grām)–the island known as ‘Godrum’ (the non-different form of Śrī Nanda Grām of Vraja Dhām); dhāme–in the abode; bhajana–devotional service; anukūle–favourable to; māthura–of Mathurā (Vraja); śrī nandīśvara (parvata o tadupasthita grāma)–the mountain and village situated on top of the mountain where Nanda Mahārāj resides; sama–equal; tule–in comparison; ta̐hi (tāra)–there; māha (mājhe)–within; surabhi–known as ‘Surabhi’; kuñja–in the grove; kuṭīre–in a cottage; vaiṭhabu̐ (basiba)–will reside; hāma–I; surataṭinī (bhagīrathī)–of the Ganges; tīre–on the bank; gaura–of Śrīman Mahāprabhu; bhakata–to the devotees; priya–dear; veśa–appearance; dadhāna (dhāraṇa kariyā)–wearing; tilaka–markings made with gopī-chandan clay which signify the body to be a temple; tulasī–of tulasī; mālā–necklace; śobhamānā–beautiful. [1–3]

(1–3)In the abode of Godrum, which is most favourable to devotional service and non-different from Sri Nandishvar in Sri Mathura Mandal, I will reside in a small cottage in Surabhi Kunj on the bank of the Ganges, wearing tilak, a beautiful tulasi mala, and the garb most dear to the devotees of Sri Gaurasundar.

Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhashya

(2) surabhi-kuñja: The place where Markandeya Muni obtains the mercy of Sri Gaura. Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur made a bhajan-kutir here.

(3) gaura-bhakta-priya veśa: “Garb most dear to the devotees of Śrī Gauranga.” This refers to the twelve marks of gopi-chandan clay that signify the body to be a temple of the Supreme Lord (tilak), the necklace of tulasi beads worn around the neck, and so on.

champaka, bakula, kadamba, tamāla
ropata niramiba kuñja viśāla

champaka–tree known as the ‘champak’ (Magnolia champaca or Michelia champaca); bakula–tree known as the ‘bakul’ (Mimusops elengi); kadamba–tree known as the ‘kadamba’ (Neolamarckia cadamba or Anthocephalus cadamba); tamāla–tree known as the ‘tamāl’ (Garcinia xanthochymus or Garcinia tinctoria); ropata (ropaṇa kariyā)–planting; niramiba–I will make; kuñja–a grove; viśāla–great. [4]

(4) Planting champak, bakul, kadamba, and tamal trees, I will establish a large grove.

mādhavī, mālatī, uṭhābu̐ tāhe
chhāyā-maṇḍapa karabu̐ tahi
̐ māhe [5]

mādhavī–a flowering vine known as ‘mādhavī’ (Hiptage madablota or Hiptage benghalensis); mālatī–a flowering vine known as ‘mālatī’ (Aganosma dichotoma); uṭhābu̐–I will make to climb; tāhe–there; chhāyā–shade; maṇḍapa (nirmita pavitra āśraya sthāna)–pavilion (a pure, constructed, sheltered area); karabu̐–I will make; tahi̐there; māhe–within. [5]

(5) I will plant madhavi and malati creepers to climb those trees, and in the middle of the grove I will make a shady pavilion.

ropabu̐ tatra kusuma-vana-rāji
yūthi, jāti, mallī virājaba sāji’

ropabu̐–I will plant; tatra–there; kusuma–flowers; vana–garden; rāji (śreṇī)–rows; yūthi–flower known as ‘jūthi’ (Jasminum molle or Jasminum auriculatum); jāti–flower known as ‘jāti’ (Jasminum officinale); mallī–flower known as ‘malli’ (Jasminum sambac); virājaba (virāja karibe)–I will situate; sāji’ (sajita ha-iyā)–decorating (being decorated). [6]

(6) I will plant rows of various forest flowers there and decoratively arrange yuthis, jatis, and mallis.

mañche basāobu̐ tulasī-mahārāṇī
kīrtana-sajja ta̐hi rākhaba āni’

mañche (vedī)–on a raised platform (altar); basāobu̐–I will place; tulasī-mahārāṇī–the great queen Tulasī Devī; kīrtana–for musical glorification; sajja (sāja-sarañjāma)–instruments (equipment—mṛdaṅgas, kartāls); ta̐hi–there; rākhaba–I will keep; āni’–bringing. [7]

(7) I will place Tulasi Maharani on a raised platform and keep instruments for kirtan there.

vaiṣṇava jana saha gāobu̐ nāma
jaya godruma jaya gaura ki dhāma

vaiṣṇava–devotee; jana–persons; saha–with; gāobu̐ (gāhiba)–I will sing; nāma–the Name of the Lord; jaya–‘all glories’; godruma–to Godrumdwīp; jaya–‘all glories’; gaura–of Lord Gaurāṅga; ki–to; dhāma–the divine abode. [8]

(8) In the association of devotees, I will sing the Name. All glories to Godrumadwip! All glories to the abode of Sri Gauranga!

bhakati-vinoda bhakti-anukūla
jaya kuñja, muñja, suranadī-kūla

bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; bhakti–to devotion; anukūla–favourable; jaya–‘all glories’; kuñja–grove; muñja (tṛṇaviśeṣa, śara)–grass, reeds; suranadī (gaṅgā)–of the Ganges; kūla (taṭa)–the bank. [9]

(9) Bhakti Vinod glorifies all that is favourable to devotion. All glories to the groves, the grass, and the bank of the river Ganges!

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