Śrīla Bhakti Vinod Ṭhākur expresses the heart of a conditioned soul.
Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj in The Elixir of Life: “You know the song Gopīnātha, mama nivedana śuna. There, the heart of a conditioned soul is fully expressed, and how the soul will get the remedy for their condition is also explained. Everything is expressed there.”
Śrī Kalyāṇa-kalpa-taru: Vijñapti 1
গোপীনাথ, মম নিবেদন শুন ।
বিষয়ী দুর্জ্জন সদা কামরত
কিছু নাহি মোর গুণ ॥১॥
gopīnāth, mama nivedana śuna
viṣayī durjana sadā kāma-rata
kichhu nāhi mora guṇa [1]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, śuna–please hear mama–my nivedana–prayer. [I am a] viṣayī–materialist. [I am] durjana–wicked [and] sadā–constantly kāma-rata–covetous. mora nāhi–I do not have kichhu–any guṇa–good qualities. [1]
O Gopīnāth, please hear my prayer. I am a materialist. I am wicked and constantly covetous. I do not have any good qualities.
গোপীনাথ, আমার ভরসা তুমি ।
তোমার চরণে লইনু শরণ
তোমার কিঙ্কর আমি ॥২॥
gopīnāth, āmāra bharasā tumi
tomāra charaṇe la-inu śaraṇa
tomāra kiṅkara āmi [2]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, tumi–You [are] āmāra–my bharasā–hope. la-inu–I have taken śaraṇa–shelter [at] tomāra–Your charaṇe–feet, [and] āmi–I [am] tomāra–Your kiṅkara–servant. [2]
O Gopīnāth, You are my hope. I have taken shelter at Your feet, and I am Your servant.
গোপীনাথ, কেমনে শোধিবে মোরে ।
না জানি ভকতি কর্ম্মে জড়মতি
পড়েছি সংসার ঘোরে ॥৩॥
gopīnāth, kemane śodhibe more
nā jāni bhakati karme jaḍa-mati
paḍechhi saṁsāra ghore [3]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, kemane–how śodhibe–will Your purify more–me? jāni nā–I do not understand bhakati–devotion. [My] jaḍa–mundane mati–mind [is absorbed] karme–material activity, [and] paḍechhi–I have fallen ghore–into the dark saṁsāra–material world. [3]
O Gopīnāth, how will You purify me? I do not understand devotion. My mundane mind is absorbed in material activity, and I have fallen into the dark material world.
গোপীনাথ, সকলি তোমার মায়া ।
নাহি মম বল জ্ঞান সুনির্ম্মল
স্বাধীন নহে এ কায়া ॥৪॥
gopīnāth, sakali tomāra māyā
nāhi mama bala jñāna sunirmala
svādhīna nahe e kāyā [4]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, sakali–everything [is] tomāra–Your māyā–illusion. mama nāhi–I have no bala–strength [and no] sunirmala–pure jñāna– knowledge, [and] e–this kāyā–body nahe–is not svādhīna–independent (of material nature’s control). [4]
O Gopīnāth, everything is Your illusion. I have no strength and no pure knowledge, and this body is not independent (of material nature’s control).
গোপীনাথ, নিয়ত চরণে স্থান ।
মাগে এ পামর কাঁদিয়া কাঁদিয়া
করহে করুণা দান ॥৫॥
gopīnāth, niyata charaṇe sthāna
māge e pāmara kā̐diyā kā̐diyā
karahe karuṇā dāna [5]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, kā̐diyā–weeping [and] kā̐diyā–weeping, e–this pāmara–sinner māge–begs [for a] niyata–permanent sthāna–place charaṇe– at [Your] feet. dāna karahe–Please give [him Your] karuṇā–mercy. [5]
O Gopīnāth, weeping and weeping, this sinner begs for a permanent place at Your feet. Please give him Your mercy.
গোপীনাথ, তুমি ত সকলি পার ।
দুর্জ্জনে তারিতে তোমার শকতি
কে আছে পাপীর আর ॥৬॥
gopīnāth, tumi ta sakali pāra
durjane tārite tomāra śakati
ke āchhe pāpīra āra [6]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, tumi–You ta–certainly pāra–can do sakali–everything. tomāra–You have śakati–the power tārite–to deliver durjane–the wicked, [and] ke–who āchhe–is āra–more pāpīra–of a sinner [than myself]? [6]
O Gopīnāth, You can do anything. You have the power to deliver the wicked, and who is a greater sinner than myself?
গোপীনাথ, তুমি কৃপাপারাবার ।
জীবের কারণে আসিয়া প্রপঞ্চে
লীলা কৈলে সুবিস্তার ॥৭॥
gopīnāth, tumi kṛpā-pārābāra
jīvera kāraṇe āsiyā prapañche
līlā kaile suvistāra [7]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, tumi–You [are] pārābāra–an ocean kṛpā–of mercy. āsiyā–You have come prapañche–to [this] world [and] suvistāra kaile–manifested [Your] līlā–Pastimes kāraṇe–for the sake jīvera–of the [fallen] souls. [7]
O Gopīnāth, You are an ocean of mercy. You have come to this world and performed Your Pastimes for the sake of the fallen souls.
গোপীনাথ, আমি কি দোষের দোষী ।
অসুর সকল পাইল চরণ
বিনোদ থাকিল বসি’ ॥৮॥
gopīnāth, āmi ki doṣera doṣī
asura sakala pāila charaṇa
vinoda thākila vasi’ [8]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, āmi ki–am I doṣī–the sinner doṣera–of [all] sinners? sakala–All asura–the demons pāila–have attained [Your] charaṇa–feet, [but] vinoda–Bhakti Vinod thākila–has remained vasi’–sitting [here]. [8]
O Gopīnāth, am I the greatest sinner of all? All the demons have attained Your feet, but Bhakti Vinod has remained sitting here.
Śrī Kalyāṇa-kalpa-taru: Vijñapti 2
gopīnāth, ghuchāo saṁsāra-jvālā
avidyā-yātanā āra nāhi sahe
janama-maraṇa-mālā [1]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, ghuchāo–please alleviate jvālā–the burning pain saṁsāra–of the material world. sahe nāhi–I cannot tolerate yātanā–the pain avidyā–of ignorance [or] mālā–the cycle janama–of birth [and] maraṇa–death [any] āra–more. [1]
O Gopīnāth, please put out the fire of saṁsāra. I cannot tolerate the pain of ignorance or the cycle of birth and death any more.
gopīnāth, āmi ta kāmera dāsa
viṣaya-vāsanā jāgichhe hṛdaye
phā̐dichhe karama phā̐sa [2]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, āmi–I [am] ta–certainly dāsa–a servant kāmera–of lust. viṣaya–Worldly vāsanā–desires jāgichhe–arisen [in my] hṛdaye–heart [and] phā̐dichhe–set to work phā̐sa–the noose karama–of the consequences of previous actions [around my neck]. [2]
O Gopīnāth, I am a servant of lust. Worldly desires have arisen in my heart and tightened the noose of karma around my neck.
gopīnāth, kabe vā jāgiba āmi
kāma-rūpa ari dūre teyāgiba
hṛdaye sphuribe tumi [3]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, kabe vā–when [will] āmi–I jāgiba–wake up? [When will] teyāgiba–I throw dūre–off [my] ari–enemy [in] rūpa–the form kāma–of lust? [When will] tumi–You sphuribe–appear hṛdaye–in [my] heart? [3]
O Gopīnāth, when will I wake up? When will I throw off my enemy lust? When will You appear in my heart?
gopīnāth, āmi ta tomāra jana
tomāre chhāḍiyā saṁsāra bhajinu
bhuliyā āpana-dhana [4]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, āmi–I ta–certainly [am] jana–a person [of] tomāra–Your [own, but] chhāḍiyā–I have left tomāre–You [and] bhajinu–engaged saṁsāra–in the material world, bhuliyā–forgetting [my] āpana–own dhana–wealth. [4]
O Gopīnāth, I am Your own, but I have left You and engaged in worldly life, forgetting my own wealth.
gopīnāth, tumi ta sakali jāna
āpanāra jane daṇḍiyā ekhana
śrī-charaṇe deha sthāna [5]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, tumi–You ta–certainly jāna–know sakali–everything. ekhana–Now, daṇḍiyā–having punished [this] jane–soul āpanāra–of [Your] own, deha–please give [him] sthāna–a place śrī-charaṇe–at [Your] holy feet. [5]
O Gopīnāth, You know everything. Now, having punished Your servant, please give him a place at Your holy feet.
gopīnāth, ei ki vichāra tava
vimukha dekhiyā chhāḍa nija-jane
nā kara karuṇā-lava [6]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, [is] ei–this tava–Your ki vichāra–judgement? dekhiyā–Seeing [me] vimukha–averse [to You,] chhāḍa–You reject [Your] nija–own jane–person [and] kara nā–do not give [me even] lava–a fraction karuṇā–of [Your] mercy? [6]
O Gopīnāth, is this Your judgement? Seeing me averse to You, You reject Your servant and do not give me even a trace of Your mercy?
gopīnāth, āmi ta mūrakha ati
kise bhāla haya kabhu nā bujhinu
tāi hena mama gati [7]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, āmi–I ta–certainly [am] ati–very mūrakha–foolish. [I have] kabhu nā–never bujhinu–understood kise–what haya–is bhāla–good [for me.] tāi–So, hena–such [is] mama–my gati–condition. [7]
O Gopīnāth, I am very foolish. I have never understood what is good for me. So, such is my condition.
gopīnāth, tumi ta paṇḍita-vara
mūḍhera maṅgala sadā anveṣibe
e dāse nā bhāva para [8]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, tumi–You ta–certainly [are] vara–the greatest paṇḍita–amongst the wise. [Please] sadā–always anveṣibe–seek maṅgala–good mūḍhera–for [this] fool; [please] bhāva nā–do not consider e–this dāse–servant para–separate. [8]
O Gopīnāth, You are most wise. Please always seek good for this fool; please do not consider this servant an outsider.
Śrī Kalyāṇa-kalpa-taru: Vijñapti 3
gopīnāth, āmāra upāya nāi
tumi kṛpā kari’ āmāre la-ile
saṁsāre uddhāra pāi [1]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, āmāra nāi–I have no upāya–way [out]. [Only if] tumi–You kṛpā kari’–mercifully la-ile–take āmāre–me [will] pāi–I obtain uddhāra–delierance saṁsāre–from the material world. [1]
O Gopīnāth, I have no way out. Only if You mercifully rescue me will I be delivered from saṁsāra.
gopīnāth, paḍechhi māyāra phere
dhana, dārā, suta ghirechhe āmāre
kāmete rekhechhe jere [2]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, paḍechhi–I have fallen phere–into the perils māyāra–of ilusion. dhana–Wealth, dārā–wife, [and] suta–sons ghirechhe–have surrounded āmāre–me, [and] kāmete–lust jere rekhechhe–has overwhelmed [me]. [2]
O Gopīnāth, I have fallen into the perils of illusion. Wealth, wife, and children have surrounded me, and lust has overwhelmed me.
gopīnāth, mana ye pāgala mora
nā māne śāsana sadā achetana
viṣaye rayechhe bhora [3]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, mora–my mana–mind, ye–which [is] pāgala–crazy [and] māne nā–does not follow [any] śāsana–discipline. [It is] sadā–always achetana–senseless [and] rayechhe–has remained bhora–engrossed viṣaye–in the mundane. [3]
O Gopīnāth, my mind is crazy and does not follow any discipline. It is always senseless and engrossed in the mundane.
gopīnāth, hāra ye menechhi āmi
aneka yatana ha-ila viphala
ekhana bharasā tumi [4]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, āmi–I menechhi–have accepted hāra–defeat ye–as such. [My] aneka–numerous yatana–endeavours ha-ila–have been viphala–useless. ekhana–Now, tumi–You [are my] bharasā–hope. [4]
O Gopīnāth, I have accepted defeat. All my endeavours have been useless. Now, You are my hope.
gopīnāth, kemane ha-ibe gati
prabala indriya vaśī-bhūta mana
nā chhāḍe viṣaya-rati [5]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, kemane–how ha-ibe–will there be gati–progress? [My] mana–mind, vaśī-bhūta–controlled [by the] prabala–powerful indriya–senses, chhāḍe nā– does not give up [its] rati–attachment viṣaya–to the mundane. [5]
O Gopīnāth, how shall I progress? My mind, controlled by the powerful senses, does not give up its attachment to the mundane.
gopīnāth, hṛdaye vasiyā mora
manake śamiyā laha nija-pāne
ghuchibe vipada ghora [6]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, [please] vasiyā–sit [in] mora–my hṛdaye–heart, śamiyā–subdue [my] manake–mind, [and] laha–take [me] pāne–towards nija–Yourself. ghuchibe–You must dispel [all] vipada–danger [and] ghora–darkness. [6]
O Gopīnāth, please sit in my heart, subdue my mind, and bring me towards You. You must dispel all danger and darkness.
gopīnāth, anātha dekhiyā more
tumi hṛṣīkeśa hṛṣīka damiyā
tāra’ he saṁsṛti-ghore [7]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, tumi–You [are] hṛṣīka-īśa–the Lord of the senses. dekhiyā–Seeing more–me anātha–helpless, damiyā–subdue [my] hṛṣīka–senses [and,] he–oh!, tāra’– deliver [me] ghore–from the darkness saṁsṛti–of the material world. [7]
O Gopīnāth, You are the Lord of the senses. Seeing me helpless, subdue my senses and deliver me from the darkness of saṁsāra.
gopīnāth, galāya legechhe phā̐sa
kṛpā-asi dhari’ bandhana chhediyā
vinode karaha dāsa [8]
gopīnāth–O Gopīnāth, phā̐sa–a noose legechhe–has been fixed galāya–around [my] neck. dhari’–Taking up asi–the sword kṛpā–of [Your] mercy, [please] chhediyā–cut away [my] bandhana–bondage [and] karaha–make vinode–Bhakti Vinod [Your] dāsa–servant. [8]
O Gopīnāth, a noose has been fixed around my neck. Taking up the sword of Your mercy, please cut away my bondage and make Bhakti Vinod Your servant.