
Overwhelming Love

Śrīvās Ṭhākur’s devotion to Śrīman Mahāprabhu.

This post is a continuation of Śoka-śātanaThe Remedy for Grief, by Śrīla Bhakti Vinod Ṭhākur.


The Remedy for Grief

Part 3

Song 5

śrīvāsa-vachana śravaṇa kariyā
sādhvī pati-vratā-gaṇa
śoka parihari’ mṛta śiśu rākhi’
hari-rase dila mana [1]

Hearing the words of Śrīvās, the chaste ladies gave up their grief over the dead child and turned their attention to the joy of the Lord’s Name.

śrīvāsa takhana ānande mātiyā
aṅgane āila punaḥ
nāche gorā sane sakala pāsari’
gāya nanda-suta-guṇa [2]

Śrīvās then returned to the courtyard, overwhelmed with joy. He danced with Gorā, forgetting everything, and chanted Kṛṣṇa’s glories.

chāri daṇḍa rātre mārila kumāra
aṅgane keha nā jāne
śrī-nāma-maṅgale tṛtīya prahara
rajanī atīta gāne [3]

His son died an hour and a half after sunset, but no one in the courtyard knew this. Everyone spent the nine hours of the night chanting the  Name.

kīrtana bhāṅgile kahe gaurahari
āji kena pāi duḥkha
bujhi ei gṛhe kichhu amaṅgala
ghaṭiyā harila sukha [3]

When the kīrtan came to an end, Gaurahari said, “Why do I feel sadness today? I think something inauspicious has occurred in this house and taken away My happiness.”

tabe bhakta-jana nivedana kare
śrīvāsa-śiśura kathā
śuni’ gorā rāya bale hāya hāya
marame pāinu vyathā [5]

The devotees then explained what had happened to Śrīvās’ son. Hearing this, Gorā Rāy said, “Oh! I am pained at heart.

kena nā kahile āmāre takhana
vipada-saṁvāda sabe
bhakati-vinoda bhakata-vatsala-
snehete majila tabe [6]

Why didn’t anyone tell Me about this tragedy then?” Bhakti Vinod then became immersed in the affection of the Lord who cares for His devotees.

Song 6

prabhura vachana takhana śuniyā
śrīvāsa loṭāñā bhūmi
bale śuna nātha tava rasa-bhaṅga
sahite nā pāri āmi [1]

Hearing the Lord’s words, Śrīvās rolled on the ground and said, “Listen, O Lord! I could not bear to disrupt Your joy.

ekaṭi tanaya mariyāchhe nātha
tāhe mora kibā duḥkha
yadi saba mare tomāre heriyā
tabu ta’ pāiba sukha [2]

One of my sons has died, O Lord, but why should I be sad about that? If they all die seeing You, then I will be happy.

tava nṛtya-bhaṅga ha-ile āmāra
maraṇa ha-ita hari
tāi kusaṁvāda nā dila tomāre
vipada āśaṅkā kari’ [3]

If I had disrupted Your dancing, I would have died, O Lord. So, I did not give You the bad news, fearing such a disaster.

ebe ājñā deha mṛta suta laye
satkāra karuna sabe
eteka śuniyā gorā dvija-maṇi
kā̐dite lāgila tabe [4]

Please give us permission now, and we can take my dead son and perform the funeral.” Hearing this, Gorā, the jewel of the twice born, began to cry.

kemane e saba chhāḍiyā yāiba
parāṇa vikala haya
se kathā śuniyā bhakati-vinoda
manete pāila bhaya [5]

How can I leave you all? My heart will break.” Hearing these words, Bhakti Vinod became frightened.

Śoka-śātana: Part 1, Part 2.

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