
The Capacity to Serve

Continuing our present­a­tion of the recent release Sharanagati, in this song Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur describes how a surrendered soul prays to Sri Guru for the capacity to serve.


Song Forty-three

baḍa kṛpā kari’,    gauḍa-vana-mājhe
    godrume diyācha sthāna
ājñā dila more,    ei vraje vasi’,
    hari-nāma kara gāna [1]

gurudeva!–O spiritual master!; baḍa–great; kṛpā–mercy; kari’–doing; gauḍa–of the land of ‘Gauḍa’, the region where Śrīman Mahāprabhu enacted His Pastimes; vana–the forest; mājhe–in the midst; godrume (abhinna nandīśvara)–on the island of ‘Godrum’ (the non-different form of Śrī Nandīśvar); diyācha–have given; sthāna–a place; ājñā–order; dila–gave; more–to me; ei–this; vraje (vraja abhinna navadvīp)–in Vraja (in Nabadwīp which is non-different from Vraja); vasi’–residing; hari–of the Lord; nāma–the Name; kara–do; gāna–song. [1]

(1)O Gurudev! You have very mercifully given me a place in Sri Godrumdwip amid the forests of Gauda, and ordered me: “Reside in this abode which is non-different from Vraja and chant the Lord’s Name.”

kintu kabe prabho,    yogyatā arpibe,
    e dāsere dayā kari’
chitta sthira habe,    sakala sahiba,
    ekānte bhajiba hari [2]

kintu–but; kabe–when?; prabho–O master; yogyatā–qualification; arpibe–you will give; e–this; dāsere–to the servant; dayā–mercy; kari’–doing; chitta–the heart; sthira–steadfast; habe–will be; sakala–all; sahiba–I will tolerate; ekānte–in a solitary place, sincerely; bhajiba–I will serve; hari–my Lord. [2]

(2) But when, O master, will you mercifully grant this servant the qualification to do this? Then my heart will become steadfast, I will tolerate everything, and I will serve the Lord sincerely.

śaiśava-yauvane,    jaḍa-sukha-saṅge,
    abhyāsa ha-ila manda
nija-karma-doṣe,    e deha ha-ila,
    bhajanera pratibandha [3]

śaiśava–childhood; yauvane–in youth; jaḍa–material; sukha–happiness; saṅge–in association with; abhyāsa–habits; ha-ila–were; manda–bad; nija–own; karma–actions; doṣe–by the fault; e–this; deha–body; ha-ila–became; bhajanera–to devotional service; pratibandha (antarāya, vighna, bādhā)–an obstacle (obstruction, hindrance, impediment). [3]

(3) In my childhood and youth, I was attached to material happiness and my habits were wicked. Now because of my sins this body has become an impediment to engagement in service.

vārdhakye ekhana,    pañcha-roge hata,
    kemane bhajiba bala’
̐diyā kā̐diyā,    tomāra charaṇe
    paḍiyāchhi suvihvala [4]

vārdhakye–in old age; ekhana–now; pañcha (vividha)–five (various); roge–by diseases; hata–attacked; kemane–how?; bhajiba–I will serve; bala’–please say; ̐diyā–weeping; ̐diyā–and weeping; tomāra–your; charaṇe–at the feet; paḍiyāchhi–I have fallen; suvihvala–greatly overwhelmed. [4]

(4) Now aged, I am afflicted by various diseases. Tell me, how shall I serve? Crying incessantly, I have fallen at your feet, utterly overwhelmed.

Sri Laghu-chandrika Bhashya

(4) Pancha-roge: “By various diseases.” This refers to a fivefold state of affliction (klesh): (1) avidyā: ignorance of one’s true identity as an eternal servant of Krishna; (2) asmita: identification with the mundane ego, mind, and body; (3) abhinivesh: absorption in mundane exper­ience; (4) raga: obsession with mundane pleasures and their paraphernalia; and (5) dvesh: revulsion to dissatisfaction and its causes.

Alternately, pancha-roga can refer to various forms of bodily diseases (such as diseases which impair one’s ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch).

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