
The Remedy for Grief

Śrīla Bhakti Vinod Ṭhākur recounts the Pastime of Śrīvās Ṭhākur’s son passing away during Śrīman Mahāprabhu’s kīrtan.

The following songs are found in Śrīla Bhakti Vinod Ṭhākur’s Gītāvalī.


The Remedy for Grief

Part 1

Song 1

pradoṣa-samaye śrīvāsa-aṅgane
saṅgopane gorāmaṇi
śrī-hari-kīrtane nāche nānā-raṅge
uṭhila maṅgala-dhvani [1]

In the evening in the seclusion of Śrīvās’ courtyard, the jewel Śrī Gorā danced in various ways as the auspicious sound of the chanting of the Lord’s Name arose.

mṛdaṅga mādala bāje karatāla
mājhe mājhe jayatura
prabhura naṭana dekhi’ sakalera
ha-ila santāpa dūra [2]

Mṛdaṅgas, mādalas, and kartāls resounded in the midst of calls of “Jay!” Seeing the Lord’s dancing, everyone’s woes vanished.

akhaṇḍa premete mātala takhana
sakala bhakata-gaṇa
āpanā pāsari’ gorāchā̐de gheri’
nāche gāya anukṣaṇa [3]

Maddened with unabated love, all the devotees forgot themselves, surrounded Gorāchā̐d, and danced and sang continuously.

emata samaye daiva-vyādhi-yoge
śrīvāsera antaḥpure
tanaya-viyoge nārī-gaṇa śoke
prakāśala uchchaiḥsvare [4]

At this time, as a result of a disease prescribed by providence, one Śrīvās’s sons departed, and the women in the inner quarters of Śrīvās’ house began to loudly express their grief.

krandana uṭhile habe rasa-bhaṅga
bhakati-vinoda ḍare
śrīvāsa amani bujhila kāraṇa
paśila āpana ghare [5]

When the crying arose, Bhakti Vinod feared the Lord’s joy would be disrupted. Śrīvās immediately understood the reason for the crying and entered his house.

Song 2

praveśiyā antaḥpure nārī-gaṇe śānta kare
śrīvāsa amiya upadeśe
śuna pāgalinī-gaṇa śoka kara akāraṇa
kibā duḥkha thāke kṛṣṇāveśe [1]

Śrīvās entered the inner quarters of the house and solaced the women with nectarean advice: “Listen, you hysterical women, you grieve without reason. What grief is there in love for Kṛṣṇa?

kṛṣṇa nitya suta yāra śoka kabhu nāhi tāra
anitye āsakti sarva-nāśa
āsiyāchha e saṁsāre kṛṣṇa bhajibāra tare
nitya-tattve karaha vilāsa [2]

One whose eternal son is Kṛṣṇa never grieves. Attachment to the impermanent, however, causes total ruination. You have come to this world to serve Kṛṣṇa, so delight in the eternal truth.

e dehe yāvat sthiti kara kṛṣṇachandre rati
kṛṣṇe jāna dhana jana prāṇa
e deha-anuga yata bhāi bandhu pati suta
anitya sambanda bali’ māna [3]

As long as you remain in this body, love Kṛṣṇa and know Kṛṣṇa to be your wealth, companion, and life. Understand your relationships with everyone related to this body—your brothers, friends, husband, and sons—to be impermanent.

kebā kāra pati suta anitya-sambandha-kṛta
chāhile rākhite nāre tāre
karama-vipāka-phale suta haye base kole
karma-kṣaya āra raite nāre [4]

Who is anyone’s husband or son? These are impermanent relationships. Even if you want to maintain your relationships with them, you cannot. As a result of the consequences of his actions, someone became your son and sat on your lap, but when his karma is finished, he cannot remain with you any longer.

ithe sukha duḥkha māni’ adhogati labhe prāṇī
kṛṣṇa-pada haite paḍe dūre
śoka samvariyā ebe nāmānande maja sabe
bhakati-vinoda-vāñchhā pūre [5]

Living beings who identify with the happiness and sadness of such relationships become degraded and fall far from Kṛṣṇa’s feet. Subdue your grief now and immerse yourselves in the joy of the Name.” Thus fulfil the desire of Bhakti Vinod.

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