
The Shelter of All

Continuing our present­a­tion of the upcom­ing release Sharanagati, in this song Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur describes the humble prayer of a surrendered soul who realises the Lord’s nature as the shelter of all souls, be they sinful or devoted.


Song Sixteen

nivedana kari prabhu! tomāra charaṇe
patita adhama āmi jāne tribhuvane [1]

nivedana–submission; kari–I do; prabhu!–O Lord!; tomāra–Your; charaṇe–at the feet; patita–fallen; adhama–low; āmi–I; jāne–know; tribhuvane–in the three worlds. [1]

(1)O Lord! I submit myself at Your feet. It is known throughout the three worlds that I am fallen and lowly.

āmā-sama pāpī nāhi jagat-bhitare
mama-sama aparādhī nāhika saṁsāre [2]

āmā–like me; sama–equal; pāpī–sinner; nāhi–is not; jagat–the world; bhitare–within; mama–my; sama–equal; aparādhī–offender; nāhika–is not; saṁsāre–in the world. [2]

(2)There is no sinner within this world so sinful as I. There is no offender within this material world so offensive as I.

sei saba pāpa āra aparādha āmi
parihāre pāi lajjā, saba jāna tumi

sei–these; saba–all; pāpa–sins; āra–and; aparādha–offences; āmi–I; parihāre (kṣamāpane)–in giving up (in begging forgiveness); pāi–I feel; lajjā–shame; saba–all; jāna–know; tumi–You. [3]

(3)I feel ashamed to beg for forgiveness for all my sins and offences. You know all of this.

Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhashya

(3)parihāre pāi lajjā: “I feel ashamed to beg for forgiveness.” This sentiment is described in the Padma-purana (and was expressed by Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu and Srila Sanatan Goswami Prabhu when they surrendered unto Sriman Mahaprabhu):

mat-tulyo nāsti pāpātmā nāparādhī cha kaśchana
parihāre ’pi lajjā me kiṁ bruve puruṣottama

There is no sinner so sinful as I. There is no offender so offensive as I. O Supreme Lord, I am ashamed to pray for forgiveness for all of my sins and offences (and all the more ashamed of my attempts to abandon them). What more can I say than this?”

tumi vinā kā’ra āmi la-iba śaraṇa?
tumi sarveśvareśvara, vrajendra-nandana

tumi–You; vinā–without; kā’ra–of whom?; āmi–I; la-iba–will take; śaraṇa–shelter; tumi–You; sarva–of all; īśvara–Lords; īśvara–the Lord; vraja–of Vṛndāvan; indra–of the king; nandana–darling son, Kṛṣṇa. [4]

(4)Yet, of whom shall I take shelter other than You? You are the Lord of all Lords, Vrajendra Nandan.

jagata tomāra nātha! tumi sarva-maya
tomā prati aparādha tumi kara kṣaya

jagata–universe; tomāra–Your; nātha!–O Lord!; tumi–You; sarva–everything; maya–consisting of; tomā–of You; prati–towards; aparādha–offences; tumi–You; kara–do; kṣaya–destroy. [5]

(5)The world is Yours, O Lord! You are present everywhere and You destroy all offences committed against You.

(5)jagata tomāra nātha … tumi kara kṣaya: “The world is Yours, O Lord! … You destroy all offences committed against You.”

tasmin tuṣṭe jagat tuṣṭaṁ prīṇite prīṇitaṁ jagat

By satisfying the Supreme Lord, the whole world becomes satisfied. By pleasing the Supreme Lord, the whole world becomes pleased.”

tumi ta’ skhalita-pada janera āśraya
tumi vinā āra kibā āchhe dayā-maya

tumi–You; ta’–certainly; skhalita–fallen; pada–feet; janera–of the people; āśraya–shelter; tumi–You; vinā–without; āra–else; kibā–what; āchhe–there is; dayā–mercy; maya–full of. [6]

(6)You alone are the shelter of those who have fallen. What else is there besides You, O merciful Lord?

(6)tumi ta’ skhalita-pada … dayā-maya: “O merciful Lord, You are the sole shelter of those who have fallen.” This conception is expressed in the Skanda-purana:

bhūmau skhalita-pādānāṁ bhūmir evāvalambanam
tvayi jātāparādhānāṁ tvam eva śaraṇaṁ prabho

O Lord! Just as the ground is the only support for those who have fallen upon it, so You are the only refuge for those who have offended You.”

sei-rūpa tava aparādhī jana yata
tomāra śaraṇāgata ha-ibe satata

sei–that; rūpa–form; tava–Your; aparādhī–offensive; jana–persons; yata–all (whom); tomāra–Your; śaraṇāgata–coming to the shelter; ha-ibe–will be; satata–always. [7]

(7)In this way, everyone who has been offensive towards You will eventually come to Your shelter.

bhakati-vinoda ebe la-iyā śaraṇa
tuyā pade kare āja ātma-samarpaṇa

bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; ebe–now; la-iyā–taking; śaraṇa–shelter; tuyā–Your; pade–at the feet; kare–does; āja–today; ātma–self; samarpaṇa–full offering. [8]

(8)Now taking shelter, Bhakti Vinod today fully offers himself at Your feet.

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