Chapter Eleven of Śrī Chaitanya-charitāmṛta’s Antya-līlā.
The Departure of Śrīla Haridās Ṭhākur
namāmi haridāsaṁ taṁ chaitanyaṁ taṁ cha tat-prabhum
saṁsthitām api yan-mūrtiṁ svāṅke kṛtvā nanarta yaḥ [1]
I offer my obeisance to Śrīla Haridās Ṭhākur and his Lord, Śrī Chaitanyadev, who danced with Haridās in His arms after Haridās entered in samādhi.
jaya jaya śrī-chaitanya jaya dayāmaya
jayādvaita-priya nityānanda-priya jaya [2]
All glory to the all-merciful Śrī Chaitanya! All glory to beloved of Advaita and Nityānanda!
jaya śrīnivāseśvara haridāsa-nātha
jaya gadādhara-priya svarūpa-prāṇa-nātha [3]
All glory to the Lord of Śrīvās and Haridās! All glory the beloved of Gadādhar and Svarūp Dāmodar!
jaya kāśī-priya jagadānanda-prāṇeśvara
jaya rūpa-sanātana-raghunātheśvara [4]
All glory to the beloved of Kāśī Miśra and Jagadānanda! All glory to the Lord of Rūpa, Sanātan, and Raghunāth!
jaya gaura-deha kṛṣṇa svayaṁ bhagavān
kṛpā kari’ deha’ prabhu, nija-pada-dāna [5]
All glory to the golden form of the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa! O Lord, mercifully give me the gift of Your feet.
nityānandachandra jaya chaitanyera prāṇa
tomāra charaṇāravinde bhakti deha’ dāna [6]
All glory to moon-like Nityānanda, the life of Śrī Chaitanya! Please give me the gift of devotion to Your lotus feet.
jaya jayādvaitachandra chaitanyera ārya
sva-charaṇe bhakti deha’ jayādvaitāchārya [7]
All glory to moon-like Advaita, who is worshipped by Śrī Chaitanya! All glory to Śrī Advaita Āchārya! Please give me devotion to Your feet.
jaya gaura-bhakta-gaṇa,—gaura yā̐ra prāṇa
saba bhakta mili’ more bhakti deha’ dāna [8]
All glory to Śrī Gaura’s devotees, whose life is Śrī Gaura. May they unitedly give me the gift of devotion.
jaya rūpa, sanātana, jīva, raghunātha
raghunātha, gopāla,—chhaya mora ‘prāṇa-nātha’ [9]
All glory to Śrī Rūpa, Sanātan, Jīva, Raghunāth Bhaṭṭa, Raghunāth Dās, and Gopāl Bhaṭṭa! They are the lords of my heart.
e‑saba prasāde likhi chaitanya-līlā-guṇa
yaichhe taichhe likhi, kari āpana pāvana [10]
By their mercy, I write about the Pastimes and glory of Śrī Chaitanya. Howsoever I write, I purify myself.
ei-mata mahāprabhura nīlāchale vāsa
saṅge bhakta-gaṇa lañā kīrtana-vilāsa [11]
In this way, Mahāprabhu resided in Nīlāchal engaged in Pastimes of saṅkīrtan with the devotees.
dine nṛtya-kīrtana, īśvara-daraśana
rātrye rāya-svarūpa-sane rasa-āsvādana [12]
During the day, Mahāprabhu would dance, chant, and visit Jagannāth. At night, He would taste rasa with Rāmānanda Rāy and Svarūp Dāmodar.
ei-mata mahāprabhura sukhe kāla yāya
kṛṣṇera viraha-vikāra aṅge nānā haya [13]
In this way, Mahāprabhu happily passed His time, and various symptoms of separation from Kṛṣṇa would appear in His body.
dine dine bāḍe vikāra, rātrye atiśaya
chintā, udvega, pralāpādi yata śāstre kaya [14]
Day by day, these symptoms—such as anxiety, agitation, and delirium, which described by the scriptures—would increase, especially at night.
svarūpa gosāñi, āra rāmānanda-rāya
rātri-dine kare do̐he prabhura sahāya [15]
Night and day, Svarūp Dāmodar and Rāmānanda Rāy would assist the Lord.
eka-dina govinda mahāprasāda lañā
haridāse dite gelā ānandita hañā [16]
One day, Govinda happily went to give some mahāprasād to Śrīla Haridās Ṭhākur.
dekhe,—haridāsa ṭhākura kariyāchhe śayana
manda manda karitechhe saṅkhyā-saṅkīrtana [17]
Govinda saw that Haridās had lied down and was slowly chanting japa.
govinda kahe, “uṭha āsi’ karaha bhojana”
haridāsa kahe, “āji karimu laṅghana [18]
Govinda said, “Please sit up and eat.” Haridās replied, “Today I shall fast.
“saṅkhyā-kīrtana pūre nāhi, kemate khāiba?
mahāprasāda āniyāchha, kemate upekṣiba?” [19]
“I have not completed my quota of chanting. How shall I eat? But you have brought mahāprasād. How shall I neglect it?”
eta bali’ mahāprasāda karilā vandana
eka rañcha lañā tāra karilā bhakṣaṇa [20]
Saying this, Haridās bowed to the mahāprasād and ate a morsel of it.
āra dina mahāprabhu tā̐ra ṭhāñi āilā
“sustha hao, haridāsa” bali’ tā̐re puchhilā [21]
The next day, Mahāprabhu came to Haridās’s garden and asked him, “Haridās, are you well?”
namaskāra kari’ te̐ho kailā nivedana
“śarīra sustha haya mora, asustha buddhi-mana” [22]
Haridās bowed and said, “My body is well, but my heart and mind are not.”
prabhu kahe, “kon vyādhi, kaha ta’ nirṇaya?”
te̐ho kahe, “saṅkhyā-kīrtana nā pūraya” [23]
The Lord asked, “Can you say clearly what is your disease?” Haridās replied, “I cannot compete my quota of chanting.”
Anubhāṣya Commentary: On the basis of this chapter, we understand through the example of Śrīla Haridās Ṭhākur that every initiated practitioner must chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahāmantra (made up of sixteen Names and thirty-two syllables) in a regulated way according to a quota.
prabhu kahe,—“vṛddha ha-ilā ‘saṅkhyā’ alpa kara
siddha-deha tumi, sādhane āgraha kene kara? [24]
Then Lord replied, “You have grown old. You can reduce your quota. You are a perfected soul. Why are you adamant about formal practices?
“loka nistārite ei tomāra ‘avatāra’
nāmera mahimā loke karilā prachāra [25]
“You have descended to deliver the world, and you have preached the glories of the Name throughout the world.
“ebe alpa saṅkhyā kari’ kara saṅkīrtana”
haridāsa kahe, “śuna mora nivedana [26]
“Now you can reduce your quota and continue chanting.”
Haridās replied, “Please hear my plea.”
“hīna-jāti janma mora nindya-kalevara
hīna-karme rata muñi adhama pāmara [27]
“I was born in a low caste, and my body is condemnable. I am fallen, sinful, and attached to lowly activities.
“adṛśya, aspṛśya more aṅgīkāra kailā
raurava ha-ite more vaikuṇṭhe chaḍāilā [28]
“Although I am unsightly and untouchable, You have accepted me. You have raised me from hell to Vaikuṇṭha.
“svatantra īśvara tumi hao ichchhāmaya
jagat nāchāo, yāre yaichhe ichchhā haya [29]
“You are the independent Supreme Lord, and You are willful. You make the world dance as You desire.
“aneka nāchāilā more prasāda kariyā
viprera śrāddha-pātra khāinu ‘mlechchha’ hañā [30]
“You have mercifully made me dance many times. I ate a śrāddha-pātra (ceremonial offering to the forefathers) meant for a brāhmaṇ though I am a mlechchha.
Commentary: Once Advaita Āchārya offered a śrāddha-pātra to Haridās Ṭhākur even though he was not socially recognised as a brāhmaṇ just to teach society that a topmost Vaiṣṇava is far more exalted than even an entire community of the best of brāhmaṇas. See Antya-līlā 3.222.
“eka vāñchhā haya mora bahu dina haite
līlā samvaribe tumi—laya mora chitte [31]
“I have had a desire for a very long time. I think you will conclude Your Pastimes soon.”
“sei līlā prabhu more kabhu nā dekhāibā
āpanāra āge mora śarīra pāḍibā [32]
“O Lord, please do not show me Your final Pastimes. Before then, let my body fall down in front of You.”
“hṛdaye dharimu tomāra kamala charaṇa
nayane dekhimu tomāra chā̐da vadana [33]
“jihvāya uchchārimu tomāra ‘kṛṣṇa-chaitanya’-nāma
ei-mata mora ichchhā,—chhāḍimu parāṇa [34]
“I will hold Your lotus feet to my heart, gaze upon Your moonlike face with my eyes, chant Your Name ‘Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya’ with my tongue, and give up my life. This is my desire.
mora ei ichchhā yadi tomāra prasāde haya
ei nivedana mora kara, dayāmaya [35]
“If my desire can be fulfilled by Your mercy, then please grant my plea, O merciful Lord!
ei nīcha deha mora paḍuka tava āge
ei vāñchhā-siddhi mora tomātei lāge“ [36]
“Let this lowly body fall down in front of You. Only You can fulfill my desire.”
prabhu kahe, “haridāsa, ye tumi māgibe
kṛṣṇa kṛpāmaya tāhā avaśya karibe [37]
The Lord replied, “Haridās, Kṛṣṇa is merciful and will surely do what you desire.
“kintu āmāra ye kichhu sukha, saba tomā lañā
tomāra yogya nahe,—yābe āmāre chhāḍiyā“ [38]
“But it is not right for you to take away all My happiness: you will go away and leave Me behind?
charaṇe dhari’ kahe haridāsa, “nā kariha ‘māyā’
avaśya mo-adhame, prabhu, kara ei ‘dayā’ [39]
Haridās clasped the feet of the Lord and said, “Do not make an illusion! O Lord! You must bestow this mercy upon me, a fallen soul.”
“mora śiromaṇi kata kata mahāśaya
tomāra līlāra sahāya koṭi-bhakta haya [40]
“So many great souls, tens of millions of devotees, who are like jewels on my head, are assitants in Your Pastimes.
“āmā-hena yadi eka kīṭa mari’ gela
pipīlikā maile pṛthvīra kāhā̐ hāni haila? [41]
“If an insignificant insect like me—if an ant—dies, what is the loss to the world?
“‘bhakata-vatsala’ tumi, mui ‘bhaktābhāsa’
avaśya pūrābe, prabhu, mora ei āśa“ [42]
“You are known as Bhakta-vatsala, He who is affectionate to His devotees, and I resemble a devotee. So, You will surely fulfil my desire.”
madhyāhna karite prabhu chalilā āpane
īśvara dekhiyā kāli dibena daraśane [43]
The Lord left to perform His midday duties. He decided He would see Jagannāth and then visit Haridās the next day.
tabe mahāprabhu tā̐re kari’ āliṅgana
madhyāhna karite samudre karilā gamana [44]
Mahāprabhu embraced Haridās and then went to the sea to perform His midday duties.
prātaḥ-kāle īśvara dekhi’ saba bhakta lañā
haridāse dekhite āilā śīghra kariyā [45]
In the morning, Mahāprabhu visited Jagannāth with all the devotees and then quickly came to see Haridās.
haridāsera āge āsi’ dilā daraśana
haridāsa vandilā prabhura āra vaiṣṇava-charaṇa [46]
The Lord came before Haridās and met him. Haridās bowed at the feet of the Lord and all the devotees.
prabhu kahe, “haridāsa, kaha samāchāra”
haridāsa kahe, “prabhu, ye ājñā tomāra” [47]
The Lord said, “Haridās, tell me the news.”
Haridās replied, “O Lord, whatever You permit.”
aṅgane ārambhilā prabhu mahāsaṅkīrtana
vakreśvara-paṇḍita tā̐hā karena nartana [48]
The Lord started a grand saṅkīrtan in the garden, and Vakreśvar Paṇḍit danced.
svarūpa-gosāñi ādi yata prabhura gaṇa
haridāse beḍi’ kare nāma-saṅkīrtana [49]
Surrounding Haridās, Svarūp Dāmodar and all the Lord’s associates chanted the Name.
rāmānanda, sārvabhauma, sabāra agrete
haridāsera guṇa prabhu lāgilā kahite [50]
The Lord then began to speak about the glories of Haridās in front of Rāmānanda, Sārvabhauma, and all the devotees.
haridāsera guṇa kahite ha-ilā pañcha-mukha
kahite kahite prabhura bāḍe mahāsukha [51]
As the Lord spoke about the glories of Haridās, it seemed as though He had five mouths. As He spoke, His intense happiness increased.
haridāsera guṇe sabāra vismita haya mana
sarva-bhakta vande haridāsera charaṇa [52]
All the devotees were amazed by the glories of Haridās and bowed at his feet.
haridāsa nijāgrete prabhure vasāilā
nija-netra—dui bhṛṅga—mukha-padme dilā [53]
Haridās sat the Lord in front of him and fixed his eyes—like two bees—on the Lord’s lotus face.
sva-hṛdaye āni’ dharila prabhura charaṇa
sarva-bhakta-pada-reṇu mastaka-bhūṣaṇa [54]
He held the Lord’s feet on his heart and adorned his head with the foot-dust all the devotees.
’śrī-kṛṣṇa-chaitanya prabhu’ balena bāra bāra
prabhu-mukha-mādhurī piye, netre jala-dhāra [55]
Chanting, “Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya Prabhu” again and again, Haridās drank in the sweetness of the Lord’s lotus face as tears poured from his eyes.
’śrī-kṛṣṇa-chaitanya’ śabda karite uchchāraṇa
nāmera sahita prāṇa kaila utkrāmaṇa [56]
As he chanted, “Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya”, his soul left his body with the Name.
mahāyogeśvara-prāya svachchhande maraṇa
’bhīṣmera niryāṇa’ sabāra ha-ila smaraṇa [57]
Seeing Haridās die by his own will like a great master of yoga, everyone remembered the departure of Bhīṣma.
’hari’ ‘kṛṣṇa’-śabde sabe kare kolāhala
premānande mahāprabhu ha-ilā vihvala [58]
The devotees made an uproar of, “Hari! Kṛṣṇa!” Mahāprabhu was overwhelmed with the ecstasy of divine love.
haridāsera tanu prabhu kole laila uṭhāñā
aṅgane nāchena prabhu premāviṣṭa hañā [59]
The Lord took the body of Haridās in His arms and danced in the garden, filled with divine love.
prabhura āveśe avaśa sarva-bhakta-gaṇa
premāveśe sabe nāche, karena kīrtana [60]
All the devotees were overcome by the Lord’s ecstasy. They danced and chanted, immersed in divine love.
ei-mate nṛtya prabhu kailā kata-kṣaṇa
svarūpa-gosāñi prabhure kailā nivedana [61]
In this way, the Lord danced for some time until Svarūp Dāmodar spoke to Him.
haridāsa-ṭhākure tabe vimāne chaḍāñā
samudre lañā gelā tabe kīrtana kariyā [62]
The Lord then raised Śrīla Haridās Ṭhākur onto a carrier and brought him to the sea while chanting.
āge mahāprabhu chalena nṛtya karite karite
pāchhe nṛtya kare vakreśvara bhakta-gaṇa-sāthe [63]
Mahāprabhu went in front dancing. Vakreśvar Paṇḍit danced with the other devotees behind Him.
haridāse samudra-jale snāna karāilā
prabhu kahe, “samudra ei ‘mahā-tīrtha’ ha-ilā“ [64]
The Lord bathed Haridās in the water of the ocean and said, “This ocean has become a great place of pilgrimage.”
haridāsera pādodaka piye bhakta-gaṇa
haridāsera aṅge dilā prasāda-chandana [65]
The devotees drank the water that washed Haridās’s feet and put sandalwood paste prasād on Haridās’s body.
ḍora, kaḍāra, prasāda, vastra aṅge dilā
vālukāra garta kari’ tāhe śoyāilā [66]
They placed silken ropes, sandalwood paste, prasād, and cloth on Haridās’s body. They dug a hole in the sand and layed Haridās within it.
chāri-dike bhakta-gaṇa karena kīrtana
vakreśvara-paṇḍita karena ānande nartana [67]
All around, the devotees chanted, and Vakreśvara Paṇḍit danced in ecstasy.
’hari-bola’ ‘hari-bola’ bale gaura-rāya
āpani śrī-haste vālu dilā tā̐ra gāya [68]
The Lord chanted, “Haribol! Haribol!” and placed the sand atop the body of Haridās with own His divine hand.
tā̐re vālu diyā upare piṇḍā bā̐dhāilā
chaudike-piṇḍera mahā-āvaraṇa kailā [69]
The Lord covered the body of Haridās with sand and constructed a platform above him with a large covering on all sides.
tabe mahāprabhu kailā kīrtana, nartana
hari-dhvani-kolāhale bharila bhuvana [70]
Mahāprabhu then chanted, danced, and filled the world with an uproar of the sound of ‘Hari!’
tabe mahāprabhu saba bhakta-gaṇa-saṅge
samudre karilā snāna-jala-keli raṅge [71]
He then joyfully bathed in the ocean and played in the water with all the devotees.
haridāse pradakṣiṇa kari’ āila siṁha-dvāre
hari-kīrtana-kolāhala sakala nagare [72]
The Lord and the devotees circumambulated Haridās, performed uproarious kīrtan all over the city, and then came to the lion-gate.
siṁha-dvāre āsi’ prabhu pasārira ṭhā̐i
ā̐chala pātiyā prasāda māgilā tathāi [73]
Arriving there, the Lord spread out His cloth and begged for prasād from all the shopkeepers there.
“haridāsa-ṭhākurera mahotsavera tare
prasāda māgiye bhikṣā deha’ ta’ āmāre” [74]
“I am begging for prasād to hold a grand festival for Śrīla Haridās Ṭhākur. Please give Me alms.”
śuniyā pasāri saba chāṅgaḍā uṭhāñā
prasāda dite āse tārā ānandita hañā [75]
Hearing this, all the shopkeepers happily came forward with big baskets to give away their prasād.
svarūpa-gosāñi pasārike niṣedhila
chāṅgaḍā lañā pasāri pasāre vasila [76]
Svarūp Dāmodar stopped them, and the shopkeepers returned to their shops and sat down with their baskets.
svarūpa-gosāñi prabhure ghara pāṭhāilā
chāri vaiṣṇava, chāri pichhāḍā saṅge rākhilā [77]
Svarūp Dāmodar sent the Lord home and kept with him four Vaiṣṇavas and four porters.
svarūpa-gosāñi kahilena saba pasārire
“eka eka dravyera eka eka puñjā deha’ more” [78]
Svarūp Dāmodar said to the shopkeepers, “Please give me four palmfuls of each and every variety of prasād.”
ei-mate nānā prasāda bojhā bāndhāñā
lañā āilā chāri janera mastake chaḍāñā [79]
In this way, He collected varieties of prasād, packed them into loads, mounted the loads on the heads of the four porters, and brought them to the festival.
vāṇīnātha paṭṭanāyaka prasāda ānilā
kāśī-miśra aneka prasāda pāṭhāilā [80]
Vāṇīnāth Paṭṭanāyaka brought prasād to the festival, and Kāśī Miśra also sent large quantities of prasād.
saba vaiṣṇave prabhu vasāilā sāri sāri
āpane pariveśe prabhu lañā janā chāri [81]
The Lord sat all the devotees in lines. He personally served the prasād with four of the devotees.
mahāprabhura śrī-haste alpa nā āise
eka-eka pāte pañcha-janāra bhakṣya pariveśe [82]
Small quantities of prasād do not come from Mahāprabhu’s divine hand. On every plate, He placed enough prasād to feed five people.
svarūpa kahe, “prabhu, vasi’ karaha darśana
āmi i̐hā-sabā lañā kari pariveśana” [83]
Svarūp Dāmodar said, “O Lord, please sit and watch. I will distribute the prasād with the other devotees.”
svarūpa, jagadānanda, kāśīśvara, śaṅkara
chāri-jana pariveśana kare nirantara [84]
Svarūp Dāmodar, Jagadānanda, Kāśīśvar, and Śaṅkar distributed prasād continuously.
prabhu nā khāile keha nā kare bhojana
prabhure se dine kāśī-miśrera nimantraṇa [85]
If the Lord does not eat, no one eats. That day Kāśī Miśra had invited the Lord for lunch.
āpane kāśī-miśra āilā prasāda lañā
prabhure bhikṣā karāilā āgraha kariyā [86]
Kāśī Miśra then personally brought some prasād to the Lord and forcibly made the Lord eat.
purī-bhāratīra saṅge prabhu bhikṣā kailā
sakala vaiṣṇava tabe bhojana karilā [87]
The Lord ate with Paramānanda Purī and Brahmānanda Bhāratī. Then all the devotees began to eat.
ākaṇṭha pūrāñā sabāya karāilā bhojana
“deha’ deha’” bali’ prabhu balena vachana [88]
The Lord fed everyone, filling them up to the neck. He told the servers, “Give! Give!”
bhojana kariyā sabe kailā āchamana
sabāre parāilā prabhu mālya-chandana [89]
All the devotees ate and then washed up. The Lord adorned them with garlands and sandalwood paste.
premāviṣṭa hañā prabhu karena vara-dāna
śuni’ bhakta-gaṇera juḍāya manaskāma [90]
Filled with divine love, the Lord offered everyone a benediction. Hearing it fulfilled the desires of the devotees’ hearts.
“haridāsera vijayotsava ye kaila darśana
ye ihā̐ nṛtya kaila, ye kaila kīrtana [91]
“ye tā̐re vālukā dite karila gamana
tāra madhye mahotsave ye kaila bhojana [92]
“achire ha-ibe tā-sabāra ‘kṛṣṇa-prāpti’
haridāsa-daraśane haya aichhe ‘śakti’ [93]
“Anyone who saw this festival honouring the departure of Haridās, danced here, chanted here, placed sand on the body of Haridās’, or ate here will soon attain Kṛṣṇa. The association of Haridās has such power.
“kṛpā kari’ kṛṣṇa more diyāchhilā saṅga
svatantra kṛṣṇera ichchhā,—kailā saṅga-bhaṅga [94]
“Kṛṣṇa mercifully gave Me the association of Haridās, but Kṛṣṇa’s independent will has now broken that association.
“haridāsera ichchhā yabe ha-ila chalite
āmāra śakati tā̐re nārila rākhite [95]
“When Haridās desired to leave, I did not have the power to stop him.
“ichchhā-mātre kailā nija-prāṇa niṣkrāmaṇa
pūrve yena śuniyāchhi bhīṣmera maraṇa [96]
“By his own will, Haridās’ gave up his life just as we have heard that Bhīṣma did previously.
“haridāsa āchhila pṛthivīra ‘śiromaṇi’
tāhā vinā ratna-śūnyā ha-ila medinī [97]
“Haridās was the crown jewel of this world. Without him, this world has become jewel-less.”
“’jaya jaya haridāsa’ bali’ kara hari-dhvani”
eta bali’ mahāprabhu nāchena āpani [98]
“‘Say, ‘Glory! Gory to Haridās!’ and chant the Name ‘Hari!” Saying this, Mahāprabhu personally began to dance.
sabe gāya, “jaya jaya jaya haridāsa
nāmera mahimā ye̐ha karilā prakāśa“ [99]
Everyone sang, “Glory! Glory! Glory to Haridās! He revealed the the glories of the Name!”
tabe mahāprabhu saba bhakte vidāya dilā
harṣa-viṣāde prabhu viśrāma karilā [100]
Mahāprabhu then bade everyone farewell and took rest, feeling both joy and sorrow.
ei ta’ kahilu̐ haridāsera vijaya
yāhāra śravaṇe kṛṣṇe dṛḍha-bhakti haya [101]
Thus I have described the departure of Śrīla Haridās Ṭhākur. By hearing about it, you will develop firm devotion to Kṛṣṇa.
chaitanyera bhakta-vātsalya ihātei jāni
bhakta-vāñchhā pūrṇa kailā nyāsi-śiromaṇi [102]
Through this Pastime, we understand Śrī Chaitanya’s affection for His devotees. The Lord, the crown jewel of sannyāsīs, fulfilled the desire of His devotee.
śeṣa-kāle dilā tā̐re darśana-sparśana
tā̐re kole kari’ kailā āpane nartana [103]
During Haridās’s final moments, the Lord gave Haridās His company and embrace. The Lord personally took Haridās in His arms and danced.
āpane śrī-haste kṛpāya tā̐re vālu dilā
āpane prasāda māgi’ mahotsava kailā [104]
With His divine hand, the Lord mercifully buried Haridās and personally begged for prasād to make a grand festival.
mahābhāgavata haridāsa—parama-vidvān
e saubhāgya lāgi’ āge karilā prayāṇa [105]
Śrīla Haridās Ṭhākur is a topmost devotee and highly knowledgable. Because of this fourtune, He passed away before the Lord.
Anubhāṣya Commentary: Śrīla Haridās Ṭhākur is described in this verse as parama-vidvān, highly knowledgable. Knowledge (vidyā) is that by which one becomes liberated from ignorance—bondage in saṁsāra—attains experience of Viṣṇu, the supramundane, infallible, imperishable, transcendental Truth. Haridās Ṭhākur was the greatest of all experts in knowledge of Kṛṣṇa because he descended as the Nāmāchārya, the foremost practitioner and preacher of Śrī Hari-nām-saṅkīrtan, which Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu described in His Śikṣāṣṭakam as vidyā-vadhū-jīvana: the life of transcendental knowledge.
iti puṁsārpitā viṣṇau bhaktiś chen nava-lakṣaṇā
kriyeta bhagavaty addhā tan manye ‘dhītam uttamam
(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam: 7.5.24)
[“I consider one who offers and then personally performs the nine forms of devotional practice to Viṣṇu to be the most learned person.”]
Specifically in this verse of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, it is explained that one who practises kīrtan, the best of the nine forms of devotional practice, is sarva-śāstrādhītī, the most learned in all the scriptures.
chaitanya-charitra ei amṛtera sindhu
karṇa-mana tṛpta kare yāra eka bindu [106]
Śrī Chaitanya’s Pastimes are an ocean of nectar, one drop of which satisfies the ear and heart.
bhava-sindhu taribāre āchhe yāra chitta
śraddhā kari’ śuna sei chaitanya-charitra [107]
If you desire to cross the ocean of material existence, then with faith listen to the Pastimes of Śrī Chaitanya.
śrī-rūpa-raghunātha-pade yāra āśa
chaitanya-charitāmṛta kahe kṛṣṇadāsa [108]
Praying at the feet of Śrī Rūpa and Śrī Raghunāth, Kṛṣṇadās narrates Śrī Chaitanya-charitāmṛta.